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Contact an Austrade specialist as an investor as a buyer

Guide to investing

Investor Guide

This guide is designed to help international investors and businesses navigate investing and operating in Australia. It is an online guide to the regulations, considerations and assistance relevant to investing in, establishing and running a business in Australia, with direct links to relevant regulators and government agencies that relate to Australian Government regulation and available assistance.

To get started, select a topic below.

Coming to Australia

Information on the range of Australian visa options and immigration requirements.

Investing in Australia

Information on investing in Australia as a foreign entity, types of investment which require government approval, investor obligations, and how to apply for approval.

Setting up a business in Australia

Information on establishing or acquiring a business and obtaining business premises in Australia.

Running a business in Australia

Information on employment conditions, taxes, and business practices regulation in Australia.

Support programs in Australia

Information on grants and assistance, R&D tax incentives, major project facilitation, and support for exporters.

Federal Parliament House of Australia

Australia has a federal system with three levels of government: the Australian Government, State and Territory Governments, and Local Governments. See Austrade's Introduction to the levels of government in Australia: implications for investors (PDF, 1.03MB) publication for more information.

State and territory governments in Australia also have responsibility for various aspects of business regulation and offer assistance to foreign investors. Where appropriate, the Guide will direct you to contact relevant state or territories for more information and assistance in these areas.

Seek Advice

Please note: This guide is intended to assist you in finding the relevant information and to give you a starting point for discussion with advisers. This guide does not eliminate the need for professional advice. It is strongly recommended that you use professional advisers to advise you on legal, compliance and tax matters.

Contact an Austrade specialist as an investor as a buyer