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Contact an Austrade specialist as an investor as a buyer

How we help

Global Australia is an Australian Government initiative to attract and facilitate game-changing foreign investment into Australia. It is led by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

We highlight Australian capabilities and growth sectors to the international market, to help you consider whether Australia is right for your next investment, business expansion or career move.

And for eligible foreign investors, we provide tailored support.

What we offer foreign investors

Our team of business and investment specialists can support your journey to success in the Australian market.

Through our network of 1,200 experts across 67 international offices, plus Australian local knowledge in every state and territory, we connect investors to early-stage opportunities in Australia. In 2021-22, Austrade helped international companies invest A$7.4 billion in Australia.

We offer tailored support including:

  • Help to identify opportunities in Australia. Local intelligence about competitive advantages and potential investment opportunities within your industry.

  • Tailored advice and introductions to help kick start your Australian venture. We’ll steer you through the process of establishing your business before you arrive, and offer access and connections to government, industry and professional networks.
    • We can facilitate meetings with the authorities you may need to help with regulatory approvals, including the Treasury for Foreign Investment matters and the Major Projects Facilitation Agency.
    • We provide a conduit to fast and tailored guidance through the Australian Tax Office’s  New Investment Engagement Service to help you understand the tax implications of significant commercial transactions and proposed investments.
    • We can help you navigate Foreign Investment screening and approvals required.
    • We provide information about incentives, grants and funding pools and introduce you to potential investors, customers, suppliers and supply chain partners.
    • We can also introduce you to other leaders in your industry, a pool of employee talent or contacts in our great public research institutions.
  • Advice on visas. We work with the Department of Home Affairs to help you navigate the range of temporary or permanent skilled visa options that may be available, so you can start operating quickly.

  • The personal touch. We offer personalised advice to support executives and their families relocating to Australia, from our excellent schools to our world-class health system. Australia offers safety and stability in a thriving economy – and a world-famous lifestyle that makes attracting and retaining staff a breeze.

  • Access to investment support from our states and territories. We can connect you with the appropriate federal, state and territory agencies to help you decide which of Australia’s diverse cities or regions is the best fit for you and your business. Government offices and programs in Australia’s states and territories are there to support international business wanting to relocate or invest. 

Are you eligible for Austrade support?

Do you lead a proven enterprise looking to relocate or expand? Are you an entrepreneur with an innovative, cutting-edge startup set to take the world by storm?

We’ll assess your registered business’s eligibility for Austrade support based on its capacity to:

  • invest significantly in Australia
  • create large numbers of Australian jobs
  • drive cutting-edge R&D to deliver new technologies and IP
  • grow future-facing industries
  • increase Australia’s economic and supply chain resilience.

Contact an Austrade specialist as an investor as a buyer